An Interview with Jane W. Wolfinbarger

Jane W. Wolfinbarger is the author of “There Goes the Neighborhood”, available now in Kindle and paperback.  I wanted to talk to her about “Neighborhood” – a collection of fantasy short stories – and to get to know a little about the creator behind these excellent forays off the beaten path.

SC:  Jane, tell me a little about your writing philosophy.

JW:  Well, now, that’s an anything goes sort of question.  I tell stories.  I write things that I think are fun, and I hope others will enjoy reading them.

SC:  Your characters really leap out to the reader; they’re very real, very much like people we see (or could be ourselves) every day.  How do you go about creating your characters?

JW:  My characters are just – there.  They are the ones who will fit into the story I am writing.  While they certainly grow, I don’t create characters first, usually.  I have a story idea and then the characters who are needed start ringing the doorbell and letting me know they want me to use them.

SC:  Where do you get your inspiration for your stories?

JW:  My main inspiration varies from story to story.  Sometimes it will be a picture, sometimes a piece of music, an odd occurrence, sometimes just a bit of a daydream that grows.  But if an idea seems lacking, I’ll file it away for later, to see if I can change it around or spice it up a bit.

SC:  Do you feel your characters embody some sort of ideal or example? – that your work has a theme or message?

JW:  Themes and messages – well, I guess my stories have a traditional moral outlook, however you define that.  And things tend to happen that we wish would happen; the bad guy gets what is coming to him, usually, and people generally get saved in the end.  Not always, but then life itself is neither predictable nor fair.  And I like to keep my readers guessing.

SC:  Are you working on anything new right now?

JW:  I am working on several things right now.  First, a second collection of short stories that, once again, are modern urban fantasy.  Second, I am working on a collaboration with my husband, expanding on the main character in one of the stories in my first book – Nicholas Northing from “Plumbing and the Modern Necromancer”.  [My husband] Pat is doing some fun historical interlude stories, and I am supplying the stories set in modern times.  It’s a lot of fun.  Pat has an incredible imagination and sense of humor (he is the pun king), and bouncing ideas off each other for this collaboration is just great.

SC:  What projects are you envisioning for the future?

JW:  The future.  Ah, that chameleon creature!  I have more stories – I love writing short stories – and  have several novels, some of which have been percolating through my brain for years.  They include fantasy, steam punk, and just plain young adult offerings.

SC:  Do you have advice for other new writers?

JW:  Other new writers – do what I did.  Gather your courage and just do it.  Keep on writing and take advantage of some of the wonderful opportunities for e-publishing and print-on-demand publishing out there.  And after you’ve proofed your manuscript, proof it again, ten or so times.  Then get someone else, or several others, to proof your copy, too – typos are sneaky little creatures.

SC:  Jane, thanks for sharing with me today.  Hopefully we’ll get to hear from you again soon as future projects get off the ground!

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